After all the excess of Christmas, January is THE perfect time to go alcohol-free for 31 days and get a healthy start to your New Year.
Dry January is a public health campaign urging people to stop drinking alcohol for the month and last year (2018) 3.1 million people took part in the UK.
WSHQ is taking part this year because of all the health benefits of going drink free for a month.
WSHQ says: “Across the month, your body is likely to benefit greatly from giving up alcohol. Better hydration and better sleep will improve your overall wellbeing. Your liver, stomach and skin will also have benefitted from not dealing with the nasty effects of booze.”
“If you usually drink average amounts for the UK person you’ll also have reduced your calories by 3840 for the month. For example, if you normally drink six glasses of 175ml wine a week.
It’s even higher for beer drinkers saving around 4320 calories over the month if you used to drink six pints of lager a week.”
One final piece of information WSHQ has, if you think it’s not worth doing:
“People who quit alcohol for just be a month are 72% more likely to more mindful about drinking excessive amounts of alcohol in the future and with the health benefits of quitting you’ll see a difference to your body and your mood.”